Tuesday 27 September 2011

Media definitions.

Media - Media can be anything from a newspaper to a radio program or even a billboard, media is anything that can communicate to a mass audience.

Modern Media - modern media (new media) is any form of media that is new to the time it is in, e.g. notifications on an iPhone app is a form of new media for this period of time.

Mass Media - this is a type of media that reaches the largest audience, a popular radio or television show is mass media because many people hear/see it.

Mediated - this is the term that describes when an action or event has been or is being re-interpreted from someone else's point of view.

1 comment:

  1. Your paraphrasing of what is meant by the media specific term “convention” is reasonably good, and you provide a limited list of conventions for each of the three genres you’ve chosen to detail, western, horror and sci-fi.

    You could improve the presentation of your material by employing graphics to identify genres in a visually engaging way. You could also use an online media tool such as Prezi to present an objective of this kind, allowing you to annotate graphics and integrate video in your analysis.

    You do not explore technical codes at work. Extending your definition of the phrasal term “media code”, you could explore how codes build atmosphere, evoke feelings and emotions, communicate important information to the viewer and create meaning.

    Key area for development: anchor yourself with a specific moving image extract and explore how technical elements such as CAMERA, SOUND, MISE-EN-SCÈNE, EDITING or SPECIAL EFFECTS (which may also be conventions of the genre) are used to: communicate with / manipulate / engage the audience; and lead the audience to understand / think / feel / expect certain things.

    Satisfactory and good in parts. E+
